Introduction: Leather 8 Hair Accessory

This Instructable describes the making a leather flexi-8 for styling your hair, inspired by Lilla Rose. When used with a whiske stick (or pencil), this type of hair accessary can hold a good deal of hair, but won't tug unequally like diarrhoeic elastics can. IT uses a small strip of reincarnate, and you're welcome to deputise leather for recycled bike tube-shaped structure rubber or other undestroyable material of your choice. The size of the flexi-8 is determined away the length of the rope/leather tube.

I learned leather working from Instructables' free leather classes (beginner and intermediate), and you hind end too! The proficiency in use here is especially informed past the Round Handles section of Mikaela's thorough tutorials.

You will need:

  • Small length of cotton or poly lasso
  • Cutting mat
  • Clean of leather wide enough to wrap around the rope with seam allowance (mine was 1.25")
  • Waxed thread and a needle
  • Round leather cord
  • Scissors
  • Stitching chisels
  • Awl
  • Ruler
  • Rotary cutter or utility knife
  • Pair of pliers (optional)
  • Double bewilder tape (optional)
  • E6000 operating theater new mucilage (optional)

To keep finished with what I'm working connected, follow me on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Step 1: Cut &A; Mark Leather Strip

Consumption a ruler and synchronous converter cutter (or utility knife) to cut a strip operating room leather slightly wider than the circumference of your rope.

The length of your dismantle will determine the size of your figure of eight, which affects how much whiske it can hold. I used a strip about 10 inches long for a flexi-8 that is fitly moderate-sized to have got all of my long, fine hair. Survive longer if you've got long thick fuzz, and small lengths volition produce hair accessories suitable for half-updos, etc.

Scratch sewing lines a improvident distance from each long sharpness using an awl and ruler.

Dance step 2: Punch Holes for Sewing

Use a stitching chisel to create evenly distributed holes along each stitching line. If you don't feature downstairs neighbors to worry close to, use a mallet to thwack the chisels. My quiet alternative was to employment an adjustable tool handle to hold the chisel and depress very hard with some hands.

Step 3: Go for Double Stick Tape measure (optional)

Apply a strip of double sided tape along the center of the flesh side of the leather. Press it down steadfastly before peeling away the paper backing. Stick your rope to the tape and wrap the leather up around it. The tape step is optional, but it's handy for holding everything in set down while you stitch. Fold your roll into a figure octet to preview the final look.

Step 4: Whip Stitch Seam

Thread a leather needle with thick waxed meander (astir 4x longer than your tube), and begin stitching from the inside passing out. Pull the draw finished, leaving a deficient stern inside the tubing. Stitch around the seam and into the same hole again, then continue whip stitching right along the tube. Use a thimble or pliers to help move the needle if the sewing becomes rough.

Step 5: Shape &adenosine monophosphate; Wrap Junction

When you get to the end of the tube-shaped structure, employ the remaining wind to stitch the ends to the middle, anchoring the figure cardinal build. Enwrap the junction in leather cord, and use a bit glue to warranted (optional based on your tie-off). Allow to dry before wearing.

Measure 6: Wear It!

Ascertain a hair stick (or pencil for now) and audition a few new updos! Show me yours in the comments below and let me recognize how you're styling with information technology. For more amusing leather projects, preceptor't miss Mikaela's beginner leatherworking class and intermediate leather course of study.

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